Averaging Histogram

Note that the standard deviation calculated should be used with caution. In reporting the standard error of the mean, the function implicitly assumes that the variation of the data across the bin is small compared to the statistical errors in the data. In the example code below the function, this condition is not met, and the error is really a combination of a deterministic spread and statistical error.
Note that the function requires v6.1 only because it uses the new /FREE flag. If you use an earlier version, just omit the flag. You may then want to add a KillWaves statement to delete those temporary waves.
Function HistAvgSd(datawave,timewave,dt,tmin) // average all points in interval dt; computes sd, too Wave datawave,timewave // datawave = data taken at unevenly spaced times Variable dt,tmin // dt = bin size, tmin = start time of binned data Variable n = numpnts(datawave) // number of points in datawave Variable tmax = timewave[numpnts(timewave)-1], k=ceil((tmax-tmin)/dt) // number of bins String wd_string = NameOfWave(datawave)+ "_avg", ws_string = NameOfWave(datawave) + "_sd" Make /o/n=(k) $wd_string=NaN,$ws_string=NaN // avg & sd waves Make /o/n=(k+1) /FREE indexwave // left-bin positions (temp wave) Wave wd = $wd_string, ws = $ws_string SetScale/P x tmin+dt/2,dt,"", wd, ws // x-scaling for average, sd waves SetScale/P x tmin,dt,"", indexwave // x-scaling for index wave Duplicate /o /FREE datawave datawave1 // sorted waves (temporary) Duplicate /o /FREE timewave timewave1 Sort timewave1 timewave1,datawave1 // sort according to times indexwave = BinarySearch(timewave1,x)+1 // index vals for left edges of bins indexwave[k] = n // to get all the points in last bin wd = mean(datawave1,indexwave[p],indexwave[p+1]-1) wd = (indexwave[p+1]== indexwave[p]) ? NaN : wd // if no data in bin set to NaN ws = sqrt(Variance(datawave1,indexwave[p],indexwave[p+1]-1)/(indexwave[p+1]-indexwave[p])) End
Here is some code to test the function:
•make /o/n=20 dtwave,datwave •dtwave = enoise(1)+1 •Integrate dtwave/D=twave // irregularly spaced time points •datwave = p + gnoise(1) •display datwave vs twave •HistAvgSd(datwave,twave,5,0) •append datwave_avg •ModifyGraph mode=3,marker(datwave)=8,marker(datwave_avg)=19;DelayUpdate •ModifyGraph rgb(datwave_avg)=(1,4,52428);DelayUpdate •ErrorBars datwave_avg Y,wave=(datwave_sd,datwave_sd) •ModifyGraph grid(bottom)=2



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