Growl Notify

Growl is a method that applications can use to send notification messages without you having to switch to the application itself. In the GrowlNotify function, text is the string message to growl, and title is an optional (short) title for the message bar.
You must install growlnotify from the Extras folder following the instructions on the install disk. Before using this command, open the terminal window and test your install of growlnotify by typing growlnotify -h (to show the help file). Install this procedure within your own procedure file and then, on the command line, type growlnotify("Hello World", title="My Igor") to show that it works.
Function GrowlNotify(text,[title]) string text, title if (ParamIsDefault(title)) title = "Igor Pro" endif string theCmd, igorCmd sprintf theCmd, "/usr/local/bin/growlnotify -n 'Igor Pro' -i 'pxp' -m '%s' -t '%s'", text, title sprintf igorCmd, "do shell script \"%s\"", theCmd ExecuteScriptText igorCmd return 0 end



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