Transpose Layers and Chunks of a 4D Wave

// TransposeLayersAndChunks(w4DIn) // Transposes the layer and chunk dimensions of a 4D wave. // NOTE: Overwrites output wave. Function TransposeLayersAndChunks(w4DIn, nameOut) Wave w4DIn String nameOut // Desired name for new wave // Get information about input wave Variable rows = DimSize(w4DIn, 0) Variable columns = DimSize(w4DIn, 1) Variable layers = DimSize(w4DIn, 2) Variable chunks = DimSize(w4DIn, 3) Variable type = WaveType(w4DIn) // Make output wave. Note that numLayers and numChunks are swapped Make/O/N=(rows,columns,chunks,layers)/Y=(type) $nameOut Wave w4DOut = $nameOut // Copy scaling and units CopyScales w4DIn, w4DOut // Swap layer and chunk scaling Variable v0, dv String units v0 = DimOffset(w4DIn, 2) dv = DimDelta(w4DIn, 2) units = WaveUnits(w4DIn, 2) SetScale t, v0, dv, units, w4DOut // Copy layer dimensions and units to chunk dimension v0 = DimOffset(w4DIn, 3) dv = DimDelta(w4DIn, 3) units = WaveUnits(w4DIn, 3) SetScale z, v0, dv, units, w4DOut // Copy chunk dimensions and units to layer dimension // Transfer data w4DOut = w4DIn[p][q][s][r] // s and r are reversed from normal End Function Demo() // Clean up from previous demo DoWindow /K DemoTable0 DoWindow /K DemoTable1 // Make demo input 4D wave Make/O/N=(5,4,3,2) w4D = p + 10*q + 100*r + 1000*s SetScale d 0, 0, "d" , w4D SetScale x 1, 2, "x" , w4D SetScale y 2, 3, "y" , w4D SetScale z 3, 4, "z" , w4D SetScale t 4, 5, "t" , w4D // Create output 4D transposed wave TransposeLayersAndChunks(w4D, "w4D_t") Edit /N=DemoTable0 /W=(8,49,513,256) w4D Edit /N=DemoTable1 /W=(517,48,1022,255) w4D_t End



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