Make Spectrum

This experiment is designed to make a simulated spectrum containing four Gaussian peaks at different positions, heights, and half-widths. The peaks are created with the Gauss function that is used in spectroscopy, not the normal probability Gauss function. They sit on a constant background and can include simulated noise. The experiment also includes a way to create a single peak of a given position, height, and half-width with noise and zero baseline, save the graph of the simulated spectrum, and export the data from the simulated spectrum or the single peak as tab-delimited ASCII x,y.I used this experiment to generate data for a course that introduces students to the process of measuring peak parameters by-hand, using the height and half-width values to determine peak areas, and then subsequently using the peak areas with so-called "sensitivity factors" to calculate a hypothetical composition of a material having the given spectrum. I provide the ASCII x,y data from the single peak for students to learn how to design and apply non-linear regression fitting methods to Gaussian peaks from spectroscopy.
A data table is used to set the position, height, and half-width parameters for the four peaks in the simulated spectrum and the single peak.A control panel input is used to set the noise level on all peaks, update the simulated spectrum or single peak, save the simulated spectrum graph, and export the data from either the simulated spectrum or single peak.
Distribution Details
- Experiments: MakeSpectrum
- Procedure Files: none
- XOPS: none
- Demos: none
- Requires Packages: none
- Benefits from Optional Packages: none
- Help Files: none
- Documentation: the Web pages for this project and a notebook
Unzip the archive and double click on it. It should be self-contained.Project Details
Current Project Release
Make Spectrum IGOR.6.10.x-1.0
Release File: | MakeSpectrum.pxp (73.78 KB) |
Version: | IGOR.6.10.x-1.0 |
Version Date: | |
Version Major: | 1 |
Version Patch Level: | 0 |
OS Compatibility: | Mac-Intel Windows |
Release Notes: |
OverviewThis is the first release of the experiment. |



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