
// Create a LaTeX table from waves // Version 2 // Operates in current data folder and returns theTable as a string // output is in column format, one wave per column // waves can be numeric or string // ==> waves: a semicolon list of wave names to tabulate // ==> rowend: (optional) string to add to the end of each row Function/S Wave2LaTeX(waves,[rowend]) string waves, rowend // strings and variables string theTable = "", theText = "" variable ic, nt, maxl, jc, theValue // default rowend parameter if (ParamIsDefault(rowend)) rowend = "" endif // how many columns to create nt = ItemsInList(waves) // create free waves to translate inputs make/T/n=(nt)/FREE theWaves make/n=(nt)/FREE theLengths // put wave names in to text wave storage // put lengths of waves in to wave storage for(ic=0;ic<nt;ic+=1) theWaves[ic] = StringFromList(ic,waves) theLengths[ic] = numpnts($theWaves[ic]) endfor // how many rows do we need? maxl = wavemax(theLengths) // proccess each row for(ic=0;ic<maxl;ic+=1) theText = "" // do up to the last column for(jc=0;jc<nt-1;jc+=1) switch(wavetype($theWaves[jc],1)) case 1: // numeric wave wave theOne = $theWaves[jc] if (numpnts(theOne)>maxl) sprintf theText, "%s\t&", theText else sprintf theText, "%s%g\t&", theText, theOne[ic] endif break case 2: // text wave wave/T theTOne = $theWaves[jc] if (numpnts(theTOne)>maxl) sprintf theText, "%s\t&", theText else sprintf theText, "%s%s\t&", theText, theTOne[ic] endif break endswitch endfor // add the last column switch(wavetype($theWaves[nt],1)) case 1: // numeric wave wave theOne = $theWaves[nt] if (numpnts(theOne)>maxl) sprintf theText, "%s \\\\ %s\r", theText, rowend else sprintf theText, "%s%g \\\\ %s\r", theText, theOne[ic], rowend endif break case 2: // text wave wave/T theTOne = $theWaves[nt] if (numpnts(theTOne)>maxl) sprintf theText, "%s \\\\ %s\r", theText, rowend else sprintf theText, "%s%s \\\\ %s\r", theText, theTOne[ic], rowend endif break endswitch theTable += theText endfor return theTable end



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This is great, I modified to support replace NaN by " " and deal with text waves as well (see below). However, I ran into a problem with the macro using wavelist to find the waves in a given table. It seems that the list is not ordered according to the column order. How could I correct that to make this export to LaTex better ?
August 18, 2014 at 03:09 pm - Permalink
I do not include the \begin{...} ... \end{..} sections marks. They are for individuals to make on their own.
I do not change NaN or INF designations. The %g format gives them directly in a way that can be altered later via a blanket find/replace on the text editor.
As to the other question about the order of waves from tables to string lists ... I do not have an immediate answer other than that WaveList has to be properly configured in how it reads the table. This is not a problem to handle inside this code segment.
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville
August 19, 2014 at 01:59 pm - Permalink
Here is a slight tweak of Wave2LaTex!
This snippet takes a 2D wave with x and y dimension labels, i.e.
and then makes a table from it, including the text labels. The LaTex code is directly put to Clipboard from where it can be pasted in to a text editor. Not extensively tested!!
July 26, 2018 at 01:02 am - Permalink