Add a trace and update the average trace

Make /o Test1=gnoise(1),Test2=gnoise(2),Test3=gnoise(3),Test4=gnoise(4),Test5=gnoise(5) Display Test1,Test2 ControlBar /T 30 Variable /G traceNum=2 SetVariable traceNum,value=traceNum,title="#" Button myButton, proc=AddTraceAndAverage, title="Add"
And then have a function like this in your procedure file.
Function AddTraceAndAverage(ctrlName) String ctrlName NVar traceNum AppendToGraph $("Test"+num2str(traceNum)) String traces=TraceNameList("",";",1) Variable i,count=0,displayAvg=1 for(i=0;i<ItemsInList(traces);i+=1) String trace=StringFromList(i,traces) if(StringMatch(trace,"Avg")) // Average already displayed. displayAvg=0 // Don't display it again. continue endif Wave w=$trace if(i==0) Duplicate /o w,Avg // The average will have the same length and scaling as the first trace. else Avg+=w endif count+=1 endfor Avg /= count // Turn a sum into an average. if(displayAvg) // Display the average? AppendToGraph Avg endif End



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