Set Values in Marquee to NaN

// https://www.wavemetrics.com/code-snippet/set-values-marquee-nan // Written 2009-07-23 by Jim Prouty // Edited 2015-11-06 by Joel Corbin // Revised 2018-07-19 by Jim Prouty, version 3, added undo, added ActiveGraphWindow() to support subwindows. Omits bar chart traces. // Adds one menu item per trace to the GraphMarquee menu. // Selecting one sets only that trace's values which lie inside the marquee to NaN. // Both Y vs X and waveform traces are supported. // One-level undo is implemented. #pragma rtGlobals=1 #pragma version=3 // 2018-07-19, JP Menu "GraphMarquee", dynamic Submenu "Set y-axis data within marquee to NaN..." CommandPerTrace(), /Q, SetMarqueedValuesToNaN() CommandUndoTrace(), /Q, UndoSetValuesToNaN() end End Function/S CommandPerTrace() String menuList="" String graphName=ActiveGraphWindow() String traceList=TraceNameList(graphName,";",1+4) // only visible non-contour, non-box, non-violin traces Variable i, n= ItemsInList(traceList) for(i=0; i<n; i+= 1) String traceName= StringFromList(i,traceList) String info= TraceInfo(graphName, traceName, 0) // skip traces with text X waves (bar charts) String xWaveName= StringByKey("XWAVE", info) WAVE/Z wx = $xWaveName Variable wt= WaveType(wx,1) if( wt == 0 || wt == 1 ) menuList += "Set "+traceName+" y-data to NaN;" endif endfor return menuList End Function/S CommandUndoTrace() String menuList="" String graphName=ActiveGraphWindow() String traceName WAVE/Z backupWave= HaveTraceBackupForGraph(graphName, traceName) if( WaveExists(backupWave) ) // see if the trace is still on the graph Wave/Z wy= TraceNameToWaveRef(graphName,traceName) CheckDisplayed/W=$graphName wy if( V_Flag ) menuList += "Undo setting "+traceName+" y-data to NaN;" endif endif return menuList End static Function/S ActiveGraphWindow() String graphName="" String hostWindow=WinName(0,1+4+64) // top-level window, could be a panel or layout containing an embedded graph subwindow if( strlen(hostWindow) ) GetWindow $hostWindow activeSW graphName= S_Value // Graph0:subWindow endif return graphName End Function SetMarqueedValuesToNaN() GetLastUserMenuInfo String traceName sscanf S_value, "Set %s y-data to NaN", traceName String graphName= ActiveGraphWindow() Wave/Z wy= TraceNameToWaveRef(graphName,traceName) if( !WaveExists(wy) ) DoAlert 0, "Trace "+traceName+" could not be found" return -1 endif String info= TraceInfo(graphName, traceName, 0) String hAxis= StringByKey("XAXIS", info) String vAxis= StringByKey("YAXIS", info) GetMarquee/W=$graphName/K $hAxis, $vAxis Variable xMin= min(V_right, V_left) Variable xMax= max(V_right, V_left) Variable yMin= min(V_top, V_bottom) Variable yMax= max(V_top, V_bottom) // Save backup of wy for Undo SaveTraceBackup(graphName, traceName, wy) // make a mask wave indicating points which lie within the marquee // then multiply it with the y (and possibly x) wave String maskName=UniqueName("mask",1,0) Duplicate/O wy, $maskName WAVE mask = $maskName Wave/Z wx = XWaveRefFromTrace(graphName,traceName) if( WaveExists(wx) ) // Y vs x mask = (wy > yMin) && (wy < yMax) && (wx > xMin) && (wx < xMax) ? NaN : 1 else // just a waveform, use X scaling mask = (wy > yMin) && (wy < yMax) && (pnt2x(wy,p) > xMin) && (pnt2x(wy,p) < xMax) ? NaN : 1 endif wy *= mask KillWaves/Z mask End static Function SaveTraceBackup(graphName, traceName, wy) String graphName, traceName Wave wy NewDataFolder/O root:Packages NewDataFolder/O root:Packages:SetMarqueeValuesToNaN Duplicate/O wy, root:Packages:SetMarqueeValuesToNaN:backupForUndo String/G root:Packages:SetMarqueeValuesToNaN:graphName = graphName String/G root:Packages:SetMarqueeValuesToNaN:traceName = traceName End static Function/WAVE HaveTraceBackupForGraph(graphName, traceName) String graphName // input String &traceName // output WAVE backupWave // null DFREF dfr = root:Packages:SetMarqueeValuesToNaN if (DataFolderRefStatus(dfr) != 0) SVAR/Z backupGraphName= dfr:graphName SVAR/Z backupTraceName= dfr:traceName WAVE/Z backupYwave= dfr:backupForUndo Variable haveBackup = CmpStr(graphName, backupGraphName) == 0 && strlen(backupTraceName) && WaveExists(backupYwave) if( haveBackup ) WAVE backupWave= backupYwave traceName= backupTraceName endif endif return backupWave // output End Function UndoSetValuesToNaN() String graphName= ActiveGraphWindow() GetMarquee/W=$graphName/K String traceName WAVE/Z backupWave= HaveTraceBackupForGraph(graphName, traceName) if( !WaveExists(backupWave) ) // see if the trace is still on the graph DoAlert 0, "Undo Wave for "+traceName+" could not be found" return -1 endif WAVE/Z wy= TraceNameToWaveRef(graphName,traceName) if( !WaveExists(wy) ) DoAlert 0, "Trace "+traceName+" wave could not be found" return -1 endif // Undo wy= backupWave[p] // Remove Undo backup KillDataFolder/Z root:Packages:SetMarqueeValuesToNaN return 0 // success End



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October 28, 2016 at 02:31 pm - Permalink
Hello, the code works great. Do you know how to amend it to work for an image plot?
I have a matrix that acts as the Z wave, and two 1D waves that act as the X and Y wave respectively.
July 19, 2018 at 03:53 am - Permalink
In reply to by MGHuber
I've made changes to the revised snippet to handle subwindow graphs. And added Undo.
July 19, 2018 at 01:49 pm - Permalink