Extend a Panel In Only One Direction

// Create a panel with a button that will extend the panel size in only one direction (downward in this case). // The extension is also set at a pre-defined size. // Features inside the initially hidden extension range can be shown or hidden again using the XtendD button. Static Constant normaldepth = 80 Static Constant xtendeddepth = 170 Function SamplePanel() NewPanel/W=(10,25,255,25+normaldepth)/N=XtendablePanel/K=1 as "Xtend Me" ModifyPanel noEdit=1, fixedsize=1 Button XtendD,pos={4,55},size={15,20},proc=XtendDown,title=">", userData="closed" SetDrawLayer UserBack DrawLine 22,65,242,65 CheckBox acheckbox,pos={24,85},size={48,14},title="A Box" return 0 end Function XtendDown(ba) : ButtonControl STRUCT WMButtonAction &ba switch( ba.eventCode ) case 2: // mouse up GetWindow kwTopWin wsize strswitch(ba.userData) case "closed": Button XtendD title="v", userData="opened" MoveWindow V_left,V_top,V_right,V_top+(xtendeddepth*72/ScreenResolution) break case "opened": Button XtendD title=">", userData="closed" MoveWindow V_left,V_top,V_right,V_top+(normaldepth*72/ScreenResolution) break endswitch break endswitch return 0 end



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