Find graphs where a wave is plotted

//Brings to the front the graphs containing a given wave //Given a wavename (requires full path), returns a string containing a list of window names indicating the //graphs that contain this wave as a trace, and brings those graphs to the front. //Written to find graphs that are blocking deletion of a wave, i.e., to //cope with the error message "1 object(s) could not be deleted because they are in use". //One way to use this function: select, in the data browser, the wave you are having trouble deleting; //copy; type the function's name, FindWaveWindow(), in the command window; paste the wave name //between the parentheses. //Or use the function below this one, ShowWaveGraphs, which prompt the user for the name of a wave in the //current data folder and then calls FindWaveGraphs to find graphs with that wave. //Written by Pietro Mazzoni as an extension of a function written by Rick Gerkin Function /S FindWaveGraphs(waveSoughtFullName) String waveSoughtFullName Variable i, j String wins = WinList("*",";","WIN:1") String win, traces, trace, windowsList, yWaveRef, xWaveRef, prevWin windowsList = "" prevWin = "" for(i = 0; i < ItemsInList(wins); i += 1) //Loop over all existing windows win=StringFromList(i, wins) traces=TraceNameList(win, ";", 3) for(j = 0; j < ItemsInList(wins); j += 1) //Loop over all traces in current window trace=StringFromList(j, traces) wave yTraceWave = TraceNameToWaveRef(win, trace) yWaveRef = getWavesDataFolder(yTraceWave, 2) wave xTraceWave = xWaveRefFromTrace(win, trace) if (waveExists(xTraceWave) == 1) //Checking for this avoids errors if the window is not a graph xWaveRef = getWavesDataFolder(xTraceWave, 2) else xWaveRef = "" endIf //Does name of wave of current trace match the wave we are looking for? if (StringMatch(yWaveRef, waveSoughtFullName) == 1 || StringMatch(xWaveRef, waveSoughtFullName) == 1) if (stringMatch(win, prevWin) == 0) doWindow /F $win windowsList += win + ";" prevWin = win endIf endif //if (StringMatch(fullWaveRef, wName)) endfor //Loop over all traces in current window endfor //Loop over all existing windows return windowslist End //FindWaveGraphs //Prompts user to select a wave in current data folder. Then calls the function //FindWaveWindows to bring to the front all graphs that contain that wave //either as a y trace or as an x trace //Pietro Mazzoni Function ShowWaveGraphs() string wName, fullName Prompt wName, "Name of wave to find in windows", popup sortList(waveList("*", ";", "")) doPrompt "Choose wave:", wName if (V_flag == 1) print "Routine stopped" Abort endIf fullName = getDataFolder(1) + wName print "Bringing to the front all graphs containing traces for the wave:", fullName print FindWaveGraphs(fullName) print "\rNOTE: only graphs are found. Your wave may also be displayed in tables, not found by this routine" doWindow /H End //ShowWaveGraphs



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