Wave with Y values at a single X value from a graph

Function extractGraphAtXValue(theX, theGraph) Variable theX String theGraph String outwname = theGraph+"at"+num2str(theX) outwname = CleanupName(outwname, 1) extractGraphAtX(theX, theGraph, outwname) end Function extractGraphAtX(theX, theGraph, outwname) Variable theX String theGraph String outwname if (strlen(theGraph) == 0) theGraph = WinName(0,1) endif String tlist = TraceNameList(theGraph, ";", 1) Variable i Variable ntraces = ItemsInList(tlist) Variable pnt Make/D/O/N=(ntraces) $outwname Wave outw = $outwname for (i = 0; i < ntraces; i += 1) String oneTrace = StringFromList(i, tlist) Wave w = TraceNameToWaveRef(theGraph, oneTrace) Wave/Z xw = XWaveRefFromTrace(theGraph, oneTrace) if (WaveExists(xw)) // assume monotonic X values pnt = BinarySearch(xw, theX) else pnt = x2pnt(w, theX) endif outw[i] = w[pnt] endfor end
This function extractGraphAtXValue() extracts one Y value at a given X value from every trace on the named graph. If theGraph is "" then it works on the top graph window. It creates a wave with the name derived from the graph name and the X value.
The function extractGraphAtX() allows you to specify your own output wave name.
These functions will work on a mix of both XY and waveform traces.
Note that it does not check that all the traces have sufficient points- any short trace will contribute the value at the last point.
A nice enhancement would be to allow a filter string to select only traces with certain naming convention.
To get the Y values from a graph at the X value of the round (A) cursor in the top graph, you would use the function like this:
extractGraphAtXValue(hcsr(A), "")
This code will add a dynamic update- call SetupDynamicYatXforGraph() to add the A cursor to the graph, make a new graph with the output wave, and set up a window hook on the graph to update the output graph any time the cursor is moved.
Function SetupDynamicYatXforGraph(theGraph) String theGraph if (strlen(theGraph) == 0) theGraph = WinName(0,1) endif Cursor/H=2/L=0/P A $(StringFromList(0, TraceNameList(theGraph, ";", 1))) 0 SetWindow $theGraph hook(YatXCursorHook) = YatXCursorHook String outwname = "DynamicYatX"+theGraph SetWindow $theGraph userdata(YatXDynamicName)=outwname Make/N=0/D $outwname Display $outwname extractGraphAtX(hcsr(a), theGraph, outwname) end Function YatXCursorHook(s) STRUCT WMWinHookStruct &s String outwname = GetUserData(s.winName, "", "YatXDynamicName") extractGraphAtX(hcsr(a), s.winName, outwname) end



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