Igor Pro 9.05 Released
Created on November 15 at 11:17 am - by: aclight
A new release of Igor Pro 9 is now available for all platforms. A list of notable changes for this release is included below. Go to the Downloads page or select the Help→Updates for Igor Pro menu item within Igor Pro 9 to get the latest release. If you've reported an issue to us and we've told you it's been fixed, the fix will be included in this release, even if it's not mentioned below.
Macintosh users: When you drag the Igor Pro 9 Folder from the new installer into your Applications folder, the OS may ask you whether you want to merge the folders or replace the existing folder. You should select "Replace".
Notable Changes in Igor Pro 9.05
- Fixed LoadData using an invalid wave name when loading a large wave with a long wave name.
- Fixed a bug in which copying a large amount of data to the clipboard could cause Igor to quit (after giving the user a chance to save the experiment).
- Fixed a wave assignment bug when run on the command line while leaving some indices unspecified. For example, a wave assignment to a 3D wave where only the row and column were specified.
- Igor Tex now correctly displays an expression that starts with a superscript or subscript such as:
TextBox/C/N=text0 "\\$WMTEX$ ^{3}\\Delta_{u} \\$/WMTEX$"
New Polar Graphs package:
- Fixed problems introduced in 9.04 that rendered the New Polar Graph panel non-functional. Improved behavior of valueAtCenter for negative radii.



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