Igor Pro 9.03日本語版がリリースされました (Igor Pro 9.03 Japanese Released)
Created on October 25 at 11:22 am - by: aclight
Igor Pro 9 の新バージョンがリリースされました。すべてのプラットフォームに対応しています。 最新版を入手するには、ダウンロード ページに移動するか、Igor Pro 9 のメニューから [ヘルプ] → [Igor Proの更新] を選択します。
Macintoshユーザーの場合: 新しいインストーラから Igor Pro 9J FolderをApplicationsフォルダにドラッグするとき、新しいフォルダに統合するか、既存のフォルダを置き換えるか確認するメッセージが表示されることがあります。 その場合は、[置き換える] を選択してください。
Igor Pro 9.03J での主な変更点
Please see the Igor Pro 9.03 Beta 1 release announcement for additional changes compared to Igor Pro 9.02.
- SavePICT/SNAP can save a subwindow screen capture, and sets S_Name to the name of a picture saved to the Picture Gallery. If /O is not specified and as "<name of pict>" isn't specified, the picture is saved using a unique name of the form Pict0, Pict1, etc. Previously not specifying the as "<name of pict>" would always save (attempt to save) the picture as Pict0, which (without /O) would generate an error if Pict0 already existed.
- File loading operations (XLLoadWave, SoundLoadWave, JCAMPLoadWave, MLLoadWave, and GBLoadWave) now preset the values of all or most output variables before execution. This means that V_Flag will be initialized to 0 even if the operation presents a file loading dialog and the user cancels the dialog. Previously, V_Flag would have been left unchanged from any previous value in this situation. XLLoadWave clears S_value only when /J is specified.
- When an if-endif statement calls a routine that executes Abort or AbortOnValue, Igor 9.03 no longer fails to completely abort command execution. Prior to this fix lines of code after the if-endif would execute.
- Fixed a table bug introduced in 9.03 Beta 1. When typing in the text entry area, the first keystroke was often discarded.
- Fixed display of wave names in the debugger when the names contained non-ASCII characters.
- Fixed inability to move a free wave into a free data folder from a preemptive thread.
- Fixed a bug in Gizmo surface top and bottom color alpha.
- Fix for ImageRotate dialog with chunk inputs.
- Fixed crash when killing a panel if one control has an action proc that runs in response to the kill event and which kills a different control.
- Fixed uncommon crash introduced in 9.03 Beta 1 that could be triggered when a global wave was moved into a free data folder and then deleted.



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