Igor Pro 9.02 Released
Created on April 11 at 07:13 am - by: aclight
A new release of Igor Pro 9 is now available for all platforms. A list of notable changes for this release is included below. Go to the Downloads page or select the Help→Updates for Igor Pro menu item within Igor Pro 9 to get the latest release. If you've reported an issue to us and we've told you it's been fixed, the fix will be included in this release, even if it's not mentioned below.
Macintosh users: When you drag the Igor Pro 9 Folder from the new installer into your Applications folder, the OS may ask you whether you want to merge the folders or replace the existing folder. You should select "Replace".
Notable Changes in Igor Pro 9.02
New Signing Certificate
This is the first official release of Igor Pro since Sutter Instrument purchased WaveMetrics in September 2022. Due to how the purchase was executed, WaveMetrics was required to get new code signing certificates for both platforms, and these new certificates were used starting with the 9.02 Beta 1 release.
Windows users should notice no change in behavior.
Macintosh users that did not use a 9.02 beta version may notice that the OS asks you to re-authorize Igor to view protected folders (e.g., Documents, Desktop, etc.) and to control other applications. Unfortunately, some of these prompts come the first time you use Igor to do something protected, not the first time you run Igor. You can get around the file and folder access prompts by granting this version of the "Igor64" application Full Disk Access in the Privacy tab of the Security & Privacy section of System Preferences. A similar workaround for automation access does not seem possible since there is a separate permission for automation control of each application.
To be clear, this version of Igor doesn't need any new permissions compared to older versions. The issue is that a different corporate entity is associated with Igor's code signing certificate, and this triggers the OS to ask for permissions again.
If you use Igor on macOS to do unattended tasks, we recommend that you try running those tasks while attended in case you need to click through any macOS security prompts.
Please see the Igor Pro 9.02 Beta 1 and Igor Pro 9.02 Beta 3 release announcements for additional changes compared to Igor Pro 9.01.
- Fixed Gizmo arrow rotation when it was pointing in the negative Z direction.



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