Igor Pro 9.02 Beta 3 Released
Created on April 5 at 11:30 am - by: aclight
A new beta release of Igor Pro 9 is now available for all platforms. A list of notable changes for this release is included below. If you've reported an issue to us and we've told you it's been fixed, the fix will be included in this release, even if it's not mentioned below.
If you have enabled checking for beta releases (select the Misc→Miscellaneous Settings menu item to open the Miscellaneous Settings dialog, select the Updates category, then select the "Also Check for Beta Releases" checkbox) you can select the Help→Updates for Igor Pro menu item within Igor Pro 9 to get the latest beta release. Otherwise you can go to the Downloads page to download the installer manually.
Macintosh users: When you drag the Igor Pro 9 Folder from the new installer into your Applications folder, the OS may ask you whether you want to merge the folders or replace the existing folder. You should select "Replace".
See also: Igor Pro on macOS 10.15 (Catalina) and later
Notable Changes in Igor Pro 9.02 Beta 3
- Zero-point waves are no longer considered when computing auto-range for axes. Previously, the X scaling of a zero-point wave caused strange behavior.
- The blank empty table that is created by the "make a table for new experiments" checkbox in the Miscellaneous Setting dialog no longer marks a new experiment as needing to be saved.
- Igor 9.02 issues a compile error when literal paths to data folders and to waves are used in MultiThread expressions. See the What's Changed Since Igor Pro 9.00.ihf help file for further details.
- Added Igor Tex support for Greek letter variants:
- \varepsilon \vartheta \varkappa \varpi \varrho \varsigma \varphi
- Note that not many fonts contain these glyphs; you may need to override the font normally used for Greek characters within a given annotation by storing a font name in text info variable 8 for Greek characters. See Text Info Variables. You can experiment with different fonts using the Igor TeX Demo experiment.
- Fixed LoadPict when loading from a file. Igor 9.02B01 gave an error about an invalid character in the picture name.
- Fixed Layout recreation macros which erroneously contained a SetWindow kwTopWin, hook command for every layout page.
- Fixed indenting of recreation macros for SetWindow commands that define the unnamed window hook.
- Fixed failure of GetMouse to properly track the global mouse position on Macintosh.
- When you put cursors on an image, or use free cursors, the arrow keys and the cursor mover control in the Graph Info window now move the cursors in the correct direction, instead of perpendicular to expected direction.
- Fixed a crash if you selected and copied draw objects made with NaN coordinates. In Igor 10, the various DrawXXX commands (like DrawLine, DrawRect, etc.) will not create such objects.
- When you change the expansion of a page layout, the middle of the scroll region is preserved. This feature was lost in the Igor 6 to Igor 7 transition.
- Fixed a crash in range-based for loop that tried to iterate using a null wave.
- Implemented proper per-dataset box widths for box and violin plots when not using category axis.
- New Polar Graphs.ipf:
Fixed a bug that prevented compilation when polar graphs package had never been used in an experiment.
Added WMPolarDisconnectGraph() and WMPolarReconnectGraph(), used by the new PolarFreezeThaw.ipf procedure.
Added a way to draw user content in polar graph's drawing layers after the package clears the layer and before the package draws in the layer. See Drawing on a Polar Graph.
Updated associated New Polar Graphs.ihf help file. - PolarFreezeThaw.ipf:
Use this with New Polar Graphs (see above) to disconnect/reconnect a graph from/to the New Polar Graphs package. It adds menu items to the Graph menu to accomplish these tasks.



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