Igor Pro 7 Beta Progress Report 2
Created on January 13 at 01:11 pm - by: admin
Today we released another beta version, Igor Pro 7 Beta 5, and more than doubled the number of testers in our beta program. We took a pause from new releases over the holidays, but we've been busy fixing bugs and adding some new features during that time.
If you have signed up to be a beta tester before today (at http://www.igorpro.net/beta-signup/) and you haven't received an email with information on how to access the beta version, one of the following has probably happened:
- Our email to you got caught up in a spam filter somewhere. Invitation emails come from news@wavemetrics.com. Please check your spam/junk mailbox to see if the message is there. Also, please make sure that you've added news@wavemetrics.com to your whitelist or contacts list so it doesn't get blocked in the future.
- The serial number/activation key you provided on the signup form wasn't for a valid license. In order to be a beta tester, you must have provided information for a valid Igor 6 English license that is registered to or associated with you or your institution. Special Coursework licenses are not considered a valid license for purposes of the beta test unless the license is registered to the user who signed up to beta test. If you're using a pirated license, someone else's license, or you're a student using a Special Coursework license, you're not eligible to be a beta tester.
If you've only recently received an invitation to be a beta tester, we thank you for your patience. We've had overwhelming response to the beta program and wanted to make sure that we're able to keep up with bug reports that come in from current beta testers before we add new testers.



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