Igor Pro 7 Beta Progress Report 1
Created on November 18 at 01:10 pm - by: admin
It's been just over a month since the beta program for Igor Pro 7 started, and I thought I'd report on some of the progress that we've made.
So far we've released 3 beta versions, with Igor Pro 7 Beta 4 released today. Each beta release represents over 150 changes, many of which are fixes for bugs and crashes reported by our beta testers.
Speaking of beta testers, you guys and gals are awesome! Over 25% of you have directly contacted us to provide feedback or ask a question. We appreciate your feedback, and Igor Pro 7 has greatly improved because of your suggestions. If you're a beta tester and haven't been in touch, we'd love to hear about your experience using Igor Pro 7 Beta.
As of today, we've added more than 250 new beta testers to the Igor Pro 7 Beta program. This almost doubles the number of beta testers, and we still have hundreds more that have signed up to be testers. For those of you who have signed up to be beta testers but have not yet been invited to try Igor Pro 7 Beta, we appreciate your patience.
If you haven't done so already, now is a great time to purchase your Igor Pro 7 upgrade while it's still available at our current pricing. Igor Pro also makes a great holiday present for any of your friends or family members who love analyzing data and making beautiful plots.



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