Accounts and Passwords on the New WaveMetrics.com

As of July 11, 2018 WaveMetrics launched a brand new website for Igor Pro users, integrating the current WaveMetrics and IgorExchange sites at www.wavemetrics.com.
The new site includes access to all the same great features you’re used to as well as plenty of exciting new tools designed to improve your Igor Pro experience!
Please note: Your privacy is very important to us. As a precaution we did not transfer any of our users’ account password information to the new site. If you have a user account with us, you will need to create a new password.
To reset password:
Enter the email address associated with your WaveMetrics account and submit. A new temporary password will be sent to you. You can update this password when you login to the new site.
Thank you for being a valued Igor Pro user! We hope you enjoy your new website experience.
The WaveMetrics Team