XOP Toolkits 7.03 and 8.01 Released

The Igor XOP Toolkit allows programmers to create XOPs (plug-ins) for Igor using C and C++. It is a separate product available for purchase from WaveMetrics.
XOP Toolkits 7.03 and 8.01 add compatibility with Xcode 10. If you have an XOP Toolkit license, you can download the new versions using the same web address and credentials that you used in the past.
Xcode 10 supports 64-bit development only, not 32-bit development. If you need to maintain a 32-bit Macintosh XOP, you can not use Xcode 10.
Instructions for updating an XOP Toolkit 7.01 or 7.02 XOP to work with Xcode 10 can be found under "Updating Xcode Projects for Xcode 10" in Chapter 3 of the XOP Toolkit 7 manual.
Instructions for updating an XOP Toolkit 8.00 XOP to work with Xcode 10 can be found under "Updating Xcode Projects for Xcode 10" in Chapter 3 of the XOP Toolkit 8 manual.
For details on which XOP Toolkit version you should use, see: https://www.wavemetrics.com/products/xoptoolkit/versions.htm