XOP Toolkit 8.02 Released

The Igor XOP Toolkit allows programmers to create XOPs (plug-ins) for Igor using C and C++. It is a separate product available for purchase from WaveMetrics.
We have updated the XOP Toolkit to version 8.02. The main changes relative to 8.01 are:
- Sample XOPs and documentation were updated for Xcode 11, 12, 13
- Tested with Visual C++ 2019 (as well as 2015 and 2017)
If you have an XOP Toolkit license, you can download the new versions using the same web address and credentials that you used in the past.
Instructions for updating an XOP Toolkit 7 or XOP Toolkit 8 XOP to work with Xcode 12 can be found under "Updating Xcode Projects for Xcode 12" in Appendix B of the XOP Toolkit 8.02 manual.