wavemetrics.com temporarily unable to send email

Due to increased bot activity on our site over the past few days, compounded by a minor server misconfiguration, the IP address that this website runs from has been placed on our mail provider's email spam denylist (mostly we ended up spamming ourselves!). Until this is fixed the site cannot send emails. This includes new account, password reset, and comment notification emails.
We have submitted a request to be removed from the denylist. We don't have an estimate on how long this will take.
We are still able to handle all messages sent to us by email (see the bottom of the page for addresses).
Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.
Until the email problem is fixed, we are not able to approve new users.
Email is working again as of this morning. Users that signed up over the last week have now been approved.
December 2, 2020 at 06:05 am - Permalink