Igor Pro 9 Beta

Hello Igor users:
We're looking to expand our pool of beta testers for Igor Pro 9. If you're interested, please fill out our short form at
https://www.wavemetrics.com/form/igor-pro-9-beta-tester-signup. You must have a valid Igor Pro 8 license in order to sign up to be a beta tester, and for coursework licenses only the owner of the license may sign up to be a beta tester.
If you're curious, here is a brief list of some of the new features in Igor Pro 9:
- Autosave
- HDF5 Experiment Files (option to save an experiment using current PXP format or new HDF5 based format)
- Improved Box Plot and Violin Plot style and plotting options
- Expansion setting for control panels to accommodate large or small monitors
- Command completion of user-defined functions and command tooltips for built-in and user-defined functions
- Sparse matrix support
- Complex curve fitting
- Extensive Multipeak Fitting package improvements (thanks to forums user chozo)
Igor Pro 9 is fully supported on Windows 7 or later and macOS 10.13-10.14. Later versions of macOS are partially supported. You can install Igor Pro 9 beta and still continue using older versions.
All Igor Pro 8 English licenses (new and upgrades) sold on or after September 1, 2020, will be eligible for a free upgrade to Igor Pro 9 when it's released.