Igor Pro 8.04 Beta 1 Released

Igor Pro 8.04 Beta 1 has been released. For more information, see the release announcement at https://www.wavemetrics.com/news/igor-pro-804-beta-1-released.
We ask that Macintosh users using macOS 10.14 (Mojave) or macOS 10.15 (Catalina, currently in beta) test 8.04 Beta. We had to make some changes to how the application runs to improve support for Catalina, but these changes also affect Mojave users and could cause sudden crashes. We don't think this will be a problem but since our users do all kinds of interesting things that we haven't expected, it's hard for us to be confident in these changes.
If you do "all kinds of interesting things" with Igor and are using Macintosh 10.14 or later, you have been warned :)
If you are an XOP author or if you use a third-party XOP, we also recommend that you use the beta under Mojave or later to make sure that your XOPs still function correctly.
We recommend that Macintosh users using macOS 10.15 (Catalina) use 8.04 for the best experience. More information about support for Catalina is available at https://www.wavemetrics.com/news/igor-pro-macos-1015-catalina.