Igor Pro 7 Released

Some highlights of Igor Pro 7 include:
- 64-bit and 32-bit architecture on Windows and Macintosh
- Support for Retina/High-DPI/4K displays on Windows and Macintosh
- Modernized Data Browser, Debugger, procedure windows, command window, help browser, and dialogs
- Full Unicode support
- Unlimited undo/redo in notebooks and for most interactive graph and layout adjustments
- Over 40 new built-in commands, 14 interactive image analysis dialogs, and 13 new statistics dialogs
- Partially transparent (non-opaque) colors are supported almost everywhere
- 3D Graphics (Gizmo) have been modernized and are now built-in. Gizmo windows and dialogs now function like other window types and dialogs, and Gizmo windows have improved labels and support regular Igor annotations (text boxes, color tables, etc.). In addition Gizmo has new image and 3D bar plot object types
- Page Layouts can contain multiple pages, and new slide show mode can be used to display multiple pages of a layout for presentations
For more information see our showcase site for an overview of the most important new features or the comprehensive list of new features.
Igor Pro 7 requires Mac OS X 10.9 or later, or Windows 7 or later and is available for purchase at the WaveMetrics online store. A demo version is available and can be installed without the need to uninstall Igor Pro 6.
Is this the case for licensed, non-demo versions of IP7 as well?
July 27, 2016 at 04:39 am - Permalink
From my experience yes. I have installed both IP6 and IP7.
July 27, 2016 at 06:19 am - Permalink
Yes. As with IP6, the "demo" version is exactly the same thing as the paid version, it simply goes into limited functionality if you haven't activated Igor after the 30 day demo runs out.
You can have IP6 and IP7 installed in parallel without problems (this is true on both platforms).
On Windows, the only potential issue is that after you install IP7, double clicking on Igor related files (.pxp, .ihf, etc.) will open them in IP7. To open the file in IP6, you'd need to start IP6 and then use the File menu to open the file, or drag the file onto the IP6 command line. If you install IP7, then decide you don't want to use it, you'd need to uninstall both IP7 and IP6 and then reinstall IP6 if you want double clicking on Igor files to open them in IP6. Something similar is likely to happen on Macintosh as well, but since the connection between file type and application is more vague on Macintosh, you may see slightly different results.
July 27, 2016 at 07:50 am - Permalink
Gregor K
ALOISA Beamline
Elettra Synchrotron
July 28, 2016 at 09:58 am - Permalink
Probably. Igor6 XOPs that do not add dialogs or windows are very likely to work with Igor7.
For details you can download the XOP Toolkit 7 manual from http://www.wavemetrics.net/doc/XOPMan7.pdf and read Appendix B.
Alternatively, if you are a licensed XOP Toolkit user, you can request a free XOP Toolkit 7 upgrade from WaveMetrics sales.
For most people, the biggest reason to move to XOP Toolkit 7 is to support 64-bit XOPs on Macintosh. XOP Toolkit 7 is required for that purpose.
July 28, 2016 at 12:39 pm - Permalink
July 29, 2016 at 06:05 am - Permalink
If you're using the 64-bit version of Igor 7 (Igor64.exe) and if you have activated any 32-bit XOPs by putting them or shortcuts to them in the Igor Extensions (64-bit) directory, that might cause this problem. If you quit Igor, then hold down the shift key and start Igor again, that will disable loading extensions. If Igor now works then the problem is with one or more of your extensions (XOPs).
If that doesn't solve the problem, please try using both the 32-bit version (Igor.exe) and the 64-bit version (Igor64.exe) and to see if you get the same problem with both versions.
When Igor starts up on Windows, it displays information at the top of the splash screen (such as "[22] Starting something"). If there's anything visible there when Igor crashes, that might help us diagnose the problem.
July 29, 2016 at 07:39 am - Permalink
August 1, 2016 at 02:37 am - Permalink
Both Windows and Macintosh installers include (and install) both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
August 1, 2016 at 07:36 am - Permalink
August 2, 2016 at 05:30 am - Permalink
I did not want to start a new thread because I have just three short questions about Igor 7.
1.) I have a panel with subwindows (graphs, panels) and everytime one clicks inside a subwindow (not panel, only graph) it gets selected with the selection shown as a dashed line in light blue color. Is there any way to avoid this selection (i.e. this line to not show up)?
What I also find irritating is that when a subgraph is selected, clicking in the background (outside the subgraph but inside the panel) the graph does not get deselected.
2.) What I also noticed in Igor 7 is that when I click on a button on my panel (or any other clickable control, like checkbox) it stays selected (a blue line around the control), this does not seem to be the case in Igor 6. Is this a new feature and is there an option to not use it?
3.) This one is probably a bug in my code, but still ... My package uses several custom (dynamic) Menus in the Menu Bar. Every time I click outside the Menu Bar the "Macros" menu appears (although it is empty) and when I want to click on a certain Menu it disappears, changing the position of the Menu Bar Menus, thus making it almost impossible to select (click) on the correct (custom) Menu in the Menu Bar. I never had this problem in Igor 6 with the same code, the Macros menu was always there (empty).
I am using Igor for Mac.
Thanks for any feedback.
Gregor K
ALOISA Beamline
Elettra Synchrotron
August 4, 2016 at 06:03 am - Permalink
Please use the Help->Contact Support menu item in Igor Pro 7 to generate an email and include these questions in your email to support. I don't think #2 is a bug, but the other two sound like bugs. Please also include an experiment we can use to reproduce #3. Menus have in particular been a problem in Igor Pro 7 because the way that Igor 6 menus worked is very different from how the menu system in Qt (the framework used by Igor Pro 7) in works, and it's been a challenge to reproduce some aspects of the Igor Pro 6 behavior in Igor Pro 7.
In general it's best to contact WaveMetrics directly to report bugs (even if you're not sure it's a bug) as it's easier for us to track the status of your question and route it to the responsible engineer.
August 4, 2016 at 06:25 am - Permalink