Igor Developer and Consultant List

They are independent of WaveMetrics and WaveMetrics does not vet or endorse them.
If you provide Igor-related services and would like to be added to the list, please send a request to WaveMetrics support.
Please provide the the following items for your entry as either plain text or HTML:
1. The name under which you or your company would like to be listed.
2. A one-sentence description of your company and/or service.
3. A more detailed description of your company and/or service for the Details section. It should be roughly 1 to 5 paragraphs and should include your areas of expertise, a bit about your background and qualifications, and any other information you would like to provide.
4. Your contact information for the Contact section. In order of preference this should be:
A. A web URL
B. An email address
C. A phone number
We recommend providing only one piece of contact information.