Curvefitting with Genetic Optimisation - gencurvefit v1.4 released

GenCurvefit uses differential evolution (genetic optimisation), with a user defined fit function, to fit data with up to 50 independent variables. The technique is extremely good at finding global minima in Chi^2, even with poor starting guesses.
Included in the release are Win32 and Mac Universal Binaries, which are compatible back to IGORv5.04. Help files and an example experiment are included.
It is available from IGOR exchange - http://www.igorexchange.com/project/gencurvefit OR from the subversion repository http://svn.igorexchange.com/viewvc/packages/gencurvefit/trunk/
Its faster - there is a dialogue to let the user know the current state of the fit - there are new ways to abort fitting - Mac and PC versions have same behaviour.
It will also be available from Sourceforge in the near future (www.sourceforge.net/projects/motofit).