Please can we have a working /Z flag for LoadWave? I'd quite like to be able to attempt to load (potentially) empty files for the purpose of checking whether they contain any data without the debugger popping up in my face repeatedly.
Rather than add a /Z flag to every operation, it would be better if there were a general technique to achieve this, such as some kind of try-catch. The current try-catch does not turn DebugOnError off.
In fact there is a general technique. Though cumbersome, it does do the job:
Function Test()DebuggerOptions// Get current stateVariable temp = V_debugOnError
DebuggerOptions debugOnError=0LoadWave/G "Clipboard"Variable err = GetRTError(1)Print"Error", err
DebuggerOptions debugOnError=temp
In fact there is a general technique. Though cumbersome, it does do the job:
October 6, 2010 at 03:13 pm - Permalink