Window shift on screen resolution change
I usually work on a set of two monitors with high resolution that support huge experiment windows, where I can position the graph, panel, and procedure windows far on the right side of the experiment window. When I take the experiment to a labtop or a meeting room with a relatively low resolution beamer, the experiment window is shrinked and all those graphs, panels, and procedure windows that have previously been on the right side, disappear somewhere in the invisible range. It seems, that they cannot be brought back to the visible area until I take the experiment back to the desk with the two monitors.
My suggestion is as follows. Once the user selects a graph-, panel-, or procedure window from the "Windows" dropdown menu, and the window is at this moment invisible with the current experiment window setting, then please let the window appear top left in the experiment window.
Best regards,
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH
January 8, 2010 at 08:35 am - Permalink