'Where is object used' panel, not popup

The 'Where is object used' (Right click on Data Folder, choose last item) feature is really nice and underrated.
It would be also nice to keep that window open while I dig through the places where the object is used.
So my request is to simply change the popup window to a panel. OR, to just use a Window Browser.
If you select a single window in the Where is Object Used dialog, you can right click on the thumbnail and select Close Window.
You can also use the Window Browser to filter on windows containing a certain wave. Just click the wave popup at the bottom (normally it will show "_none_" there).
I did not want to use the Window Browser in place of the Where is Object Used dialog because I didn't want the current filtering state of the window browser to be lost in that situation, and I haven't implemented any sort of "go back to the last state" functionality.
If you already knew about the Close Window option in the contextual menu and that's not sufficient for your use case, I'd like to know more about why. Maybe something can be improved.
June 12, 2020 at 02:22 pm - Permalink
I agree, it would not be good to overwrite the current Window Browser (WB) state with the Where is Object Used (WOU) dialog. I was picturing a "second WB" but I know that's not really possible.
Here are example use case:
Another one:
A third:
I know the WB has a "filter by wave" feature but it's inconvenient -- if I am working from the DB, I don't want to repeat so many navigations.
Maybe a simple solution is to simply add a dialog option so users can choose between WB and WOU when right clicking in the DB? Basically, creating a shortcut to the WB's wave filter *inside* the DB?
Hope this is helpful. I really like the WB feature.
June 12, 2020 at 02:44 pm - Permalink