Wave Row initialization

It took me a while to stumble on the syntax for filling a wave row with values:
wColors[0][] = {{0},{1},{1},{2}}
The manual shows only the simple case for a one column wave:
wave0 = {1, 3, 5}
Perhaps the manual could include a 2D or 3D example in Chapter 2 (waves). In the IP8 manual lists are briefly discussed on page II-73.
As always, I may have missed something.
If this is missing from the manual it would be a good idea to add it.
In general, I use the following approach to figure out the format:
June 30, 2020 at 10:25 am - Permalink
In reply to If this is missing from the… by Igor
The difficulty for me was realizing that the curly braces continued to server as list indicators for the "inner" lists. I tried many permutations before arriving at what now seems to be the obvious answer!
June 30, 2020 at 12:37 pm - Permalink