Text markers from dimension labels

It would be really great if the text source options for text markers could be extended by corresponding dimlabels of the source wave of the trace. I think something similar was implemented for category plots a while ago, here it would also make sense.



So you would set get the marker text from the dimension labels of the Y wave? An interesting concept...

When I implemented the category plot from dimension labels, it turned out to be harder than I expected, and required a somewhat strained syntax, but it works. I think there may actually be folks using the feature.

I have created an enhancement request ticket so that we hopefully won't forget.

Hello John,

yes, something like:

ModifyGraph mode=3,textMarker(yy)={_labels_,"default",0,0,5,0.00,0.00}

instead of:

Make/T/O/N=numPnts(yy) txt = GetDimLabel(yy,0,p)
ModifyGraph mode=3,textMarker(yy)={txt,"default",0,0,5,0.00,0.00}

It would just make it cleaner and avoids clutter, since the text data is already there. And ideally it would work for 2D waves in case single columns are plotted against each other.

Thanks for considering!