Plotting of complex wave vs real x-value wave

I find the plotting of complex wave vs real x-value wave to be nonintuitive.
If the trace is in a non-complex (e.g. real only) mode, the entire wave is displayed.
If the trace is in complex (real & imaginary) mode, only the first half of the wave is displayed.
This is especially confusing to the unaware user as the default setting is to plot complex waves in complex (real & imaginary) trace mode.
While it becomes obviously a bit murky for irregularly spaced (or even non-monotonic) x-value waves, I would suggest that for the complex trace mode, the real value is plotted against the corresponding x-wave value and the imaginary value is e.g. plotted with a small fixed x offset relative to the real value.
function plotComplex() make/o/n=128 datax = 2*pi*p/128 make/o/c/n=128 data = p2rect(cmplx(1,datax[p])) display data vs datax appendToGraph/l=l2 data vs datax ModifyGraph axisEnab(left)={0,0.45},axisEnab(l2)={0.55,1},freePos(l2)=0 ModifyGraph cmplxMode(data)=0, cmplxMode(data#1)=1 ModifyGraph mode=3,marker=19 Label left "Data (cmplx)" Label l2 "Data (real)" Label bottom "Phase (rad)" ModifyGraph lblPos(l2)=100 end