Would having a /Kill flag for duplicate make that function as (or more) useful than this change? This flag could work as proposed below. This seems broadly useful to me.
/Kill = 0: do not kill source wave (default)
/Kill or /Kill = 1: kill source wave of duplicate was successful (i.e., duplicate might fail without /O flag if the destination wave already exists)
/Kill = 2: kill source wave regardless of whether duplicate is successful
I have been always deleting the folder before using MoveWave because it cannot overwrite. But, here I learned that Duplicate can move the waves. I am now using a custom function the does following:
for now I guess.October 7, 2015 at 11:39 am - Permalink
I'm interested in this as well.
October 25, 2019 at 10:46 am - Permalink
Would having a /Kill flag for duplicate make that function as (or more) useful than this change? This flag could work as proposed below. This seems broadly useful to me.
/Kill = 0: do not kill source wave (default)
/Kill or /Kill = 1: kill source wave of duplicate was successful (i.e., duplicate might fail without /O flag if the destination wave already exists)
/Kill = 2: kill source wave regardless of whether duplicate is successful
October 28, 2019 at 07:13 am - Permalink
In which situation would you use `/Kill=2`? And moving the wave should also be faster as it does not duplicate the contents.
November 8, 2019 at 07:33 am - Permalink
I have been always deleting the folder before using MoveWave because it cannot overwrite. But, here I learned that Duplicate can move the waves. I am now using a custom function the does following:
Thank you!
April 9, 2023 at 04:50 am - Permalink