More "Undo"

I am most likely wrong, but it seems like it should be simple to implement more than one "undo" level in Igor. This would be very helpful. (Windows)
jcor wrote:
I am most likely wrong, but it seems like it should be simple to implement more than one "undo" level in Igor. This would be very helpful. (Windows)

This request comes up every so often on the Igor mailing list too. Part of the problem is, not all things you DO in Igor Pro can automatically be mapped to a clear way to UNDO them.

J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH
For my POV it would be a great enhancement if the procedure windows would at least allow a multilevel undo/redo functionality.
Especially if you have some programming background including using full featured IDEs, this is very uncomfortable.
Dear all,

Sorry to reply to this old topic but it seems that it's not currently solved.
I work with Igor since 2007 and everyday I think "Oh, sh...t, I can not undo more than once".
Is there a way to hope to see a multiple undo history in the next resleases of Igor?
Undo functionality in Igor 7 has been improved from that of Igor 6. In particular, procedure windows, notebook windows, and the command line support multiple undo/redo for text editing. There is additional support for undo in some other areas as well.

However, just as before, there's still no way to undo a lot of changes you make in Igor because storing the state before you make the change would quickly get expensive in terms of memory and time.