High contrast IGOR theme

Dear team of IGOR,

I would like to make a wish about IGOR theme and I hope I did not overlook this feature.
My eyes were getting tired after staring at the multiple monitors with just IGOR occupied.
It is too bright and I wish IGOR provides high contrast theme (black background) for all the opening windows like procedure window and commend window.
You can set the background color and text color for all windows and then capture as a preference. Use the Document Settings menu item and then the Capture Prefs menu item.
hrodstein wrote:
You can set the background color and text color for all windows and then capture as a preference. Use the Document Settings menu item and then the Capture Prefs menu item.

Obviously, I have overlooked. Thank you for the information.
You mentioned that eye fatigue was a problem. It may not be pertinent to your situation, but if you do a lot of work at night or under bad lighting, one program that might be worth trying is f.lux: http://justgetflux.com/

I've used it for a couple years, and really like it!
lynx wrote:
You mentioned that eye fatigue was a problem. It may not be pertinent to your situation, but if you do a lot of work at night or under bad lighting, one program that might be worth trying is f.lux: http://justgetflux.com/

I've used it for a couple years, and really like it!

Thanks lynx!

I learned that I can change the contrast of IGOR using accessibility --> display -->invert colors in Mac.
I also learned that changing to high contrast theme in windows os does not change the contrast in IGOR.

I will give it a try.
Yes, the dark, high contrast themes in Windows are problematic. They tend to blacken out help windows in IGOR as well as many other applications I use (because the background and text colours are the same), and I've not been able to customize the schemes in a way that is satisfactory for all applications. I'm glad you were able to find something that works for you on the Mac, at least!