Folder Vs. Tag Vs. Wavenote

Hi Again,

For my personal reason, I don't like the way to organize waves in folders.
There are overlapped meta/properties in some waves, and I don't want to create multiple copies for folders with different content.
Is there a way to tag wave?
I have been using Wave note to put my parameter properties but there is no function to search/sort the contents of wave note.
Perhaps I don't know how to manage over 1000 waves in a single root folder with limited space for naming a wave.

Thank you in advance!
I tend to use data folders a lot but sometimes it is more appropriate for me to group e.g. 1D waves into 2D or 2D into 3D waves. Then I use dimension labels to access their contents. Depending how your data is organised, this may be an alternative.
Did you had a look at The snippet defines some conveniences functions for accessing key, value pairs in wavenotes. Their performance should be okay for fewer than 100 pairs.

You can try to organize your waves into date folders ala


iff you have not all waves from one date.

For the sake of completeness I like to attach metadata to each dataset it belongs to. It is of course a waste of space, but as long as you can handle them without getting too slowed down.

viralvector wrote:

Perhaps I don't know how to manage over 1000 waves in a single root folder with limited space for naming a wave.

FYI, Igor currently stores waves as per data folder linked list of wave handles. So looking up a particular wave based on its name gets to be slow when you have a large number of waves in a data folder. 1000 waves is getting to or past the point where the lookup time might affect performance of your procedures. So, even if you figured out how to use the wave's note to store information about the wave for easier lookup, you would probably still benefit by moving waves into separate data folders.