Differential scroll bars

If you have a table with more than about 80,000 rows, moving the scroll bar by only one pixel will scroll the table by more than the amount of data displayed in the window. It therefore becomes hard to scroll through the table looking for specific data points or anomalies. Since Igor handles large data sets so well, it would be nice to also have a great interface for working with the large tables, such as some sort of differential scroll bar.

I don't know if this is a solved problem or not. If there are good solutions, we should implement them in Igor. If not, the best idea I have is to have two different scroll bars. One scrolls through the whole table, but the second one scrolls only one row per pixel so that you can scroll slowly enough to look at the data while you scroll. I call this "differential" by analogy with the name for a set of screws with different pitches which are used to make very fine movements.

A second idea is to have the scrolling tied to the mouse speed, but that case very slow movements would need to scroll the table without actually moving the scroll bar, or the bar position would get out of sync with the table position.
Try clicking on the up/down arrow buttons at the top/bottom of the scroll bar.
jtigor wrote:
Try clicking on the up/down arrow buttons at the top/bottom of the scroll bar.

As long as you're not on a modern Macintosh, where those buttons have been deemed to be useless!

If you know the approximate row number, you can choose Edit->Find (or Command-F or Ctrl-F), choose Find: Row.

Press and hold the Page Down key to scroll by pages.

The Up and Down Arrow keys will move the selected cell one row at a time.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.