Clear Command Buffer Button

I am running Igor 6.11 on curve fits. When I get singular errors or otherwise, apparently the command buffer stores the potentially offending command. When I go back to do something else, inadvertently the stored command buffer "gets in the way". I have forgotten or don't see the list of stored commands, and I end up having to scroll through the list and delete each one. At least I have more recently found that I might be able to "select all" or "shift scroll" or double click or something to select all commands in the buffer and then delete a bunch all at once.
I would like to have a little eraser button at the far right end the command buffer line (just to the right or left of the up/down scroll arrows) that will in one magic click completely clear the entire command buffer, current and pending lines all of them.
October 13, 2009 at 02:04 am - Permalink
Yes, this does work. Whether one finds it quicker than a button action is a matter of preference and in some cases a matter of convenience. For the case at hand, I tend to be scrolling around with my mouse doing other functions. Having an unobtrusive button does not preclude using keyboard commands, not having it precludes being able to scroll over with the mouse and click it.
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH
October 13, 2009 at 07:35 am - Permalink
I agree about the CurveFit commands that get left in the command buffer. Someday I'm going to change CurveFit/FuncFit so that it doesn't happen that way.
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
October 13, 2009 at 11:09 am - Permalink