XOP not installed and All IP Procedures causing an error

Ok, I'm using a new Macbook Pro with Igor 2.0; my boss gave me a fixed copy of the Gizmo.xop that should be coming out tomorrow I believe on the newer install and it's apparently not installing properly when it runs in the program. After that pop up is a procedure scan error for all IP procedures.

This works on my bosses apple mini computer but not on mine. Does it have to do with it being an intel laptop?

Any help would be amazing THANKS!!

I suspect 2.0 is just a typo as that version would not run on any Macbook.

Assuming that your boss gave you a Gizmo XOP then you are more than likely running IP 6.x. Any change to the XOP from the complete shipping package should be avoided unless you have complete instructions. New versions of Gizmo are tied to Gizmo Procedures (not IP Procedures). I'd go back to installing a full release (even a beta release) and then make sure you really need a more recent XOP.

WaveMetrics, Inc.

I ment 6.20 beta

I installed the program correctly attempted to transfer the file in, it didn't work, so I reinstalled the program; thus wiping the copy and making it a fresh install. Either way both errors occur.
I'd still download the complete package to your computer. In this case it would be the 6.2 beta. Make sure that it runs OK and then, if you run into any problems with Gizmo contact me (support@wavemetrics.com) for an update.

The very latest version of Gizmo will come with a new set of procedure files. This is not yet part of the package that you can currently download.
Alright it's all working now. I have no idea why it didn't work the first time, but who knows. Thanks for the help!