XOP is incompatible with this version of Igor - Already using XOP Toolkit 8

I am trying to migrate some XOPs from Igor 6 to Igor 8 on Windows.
They are 32-bit XOP due to driver being x86 only.
First without any change to the XOP, I directly copied them from the folder of Igor 6 to 8, it said the XOPs were not compatible and needed to be recompile.
Then I used the XOP Toolkit 8 to generate the new ones, compiled them. However, the same error appears.
I have checked and made sure that I am using the XOPSupport files from the XOP Toolkit 8. What else might I have missed in the transition?
Are you running the 32-bit version of Igor? By default, if you double-click an experiment file, you get Igor64.exe. But you can find both Igor.exe and Igor64.exe in the Start menu.
Also, make sure your 32-bit XOP is installed in Igor Extensions, not in Igor Extensions (64-bit).
January 17, 2019 at 09:06 am - Permalink
In reply to Are you running the 32-bit… by johnweeks
Hi John,
Yes, I made sure I am running the x86 version of Igor 8, and I put the concerning XOP in the Igor Extensions folder without (64-bit), but I am still seeing that error.
January 17, 2019 at 09:24 am - Permalink
My hunch is that there is a problem with your XOP's XOPI resource. To see what it should be, see "The XOPI 1100 Resource" in Chapter 4 of the XOP Toolkit 8 manual.
The XOP Toolkit 8 manual assumes that you are coming from XOP Toolkit 7. If you are coming from XOP Toolkit 6 or before, it is recommended that you first update your XOP using XOP Toolkit 7, mostly because the XOP Toolkit 8 manual omits material pertaining to going from 6 to 7. The recommendations are available at https://www.wavemetrics.com/products/xoptoolkit/versions.
In this case, you may be able to get away with just updating your XOPI resource but you should understand the implications of using XOP Toolkit 8 as explained at that web page.
If you get stuck, you can clean your project and zip it and send it to WaveMetrics support and I will take a quick look to see if other issues jump out. But I need to know what versions of Igor you are targeting with this version of the XOP. If you are targeting Igor6 and Igor8, you need to use XOP Toolkit 7, not XOP Toolkit 8. If you are targeting only Igor8 and later, you can use XOP Toolkit 8. The main reason for this is support for long object names in Igor8.
January 17, 2019 at 11:24 am - Permalink