Working with waves in 2 different data folders

Hello, I'm hoping someone here can help me with this.

I've got two very large waves that I use as a reference. They are basically a wave of temperatures and a wave of values that correspond to each temperature. They each have about 400,000 elements and together are probably about 7-8 MB.

These waves are in the root data folder.

Then in separate folders I have smaller waves (about 100 elements each) of temperatures. Then I look up the temps in the big reference wave and compare (line by line) and then do stuff with that.

What I need to know is how to do something in the same function with these two waves that are in different data folders.

For example this snippet acts on waves all in the same folder. How do I tell Igor that I want to look in a different folder for one of the waves?

for (j = 0; j < V_npnts; j+=1)
        for (k = 0; k < npts_SigmaDT; k+=1)
            if (tempwave[j] == AbsTemp[k])
            deltatwt[j] = SigmaDT[k]

when you declare the wave, include the full path..

wave w = root:tempwave
wave y = root:folder:data1
A ha!

Cool. That's a lot simpler solution than I was suspecting.

Thanks again, proland!