Why NULL Waves?

Can anyone tell me why the following code produces a NULL wave on the first run?
I have identified that the problem is with the wave M_ImageObjPerimeter. The debugger shows it as a NULL wave, but plots values in it, in the wave display panel (I find that weird). If I leave the waves intact (by commenting out my clean-up KillWaves section), on a second run, it is fine. Do I have to declare anything special to do this - other routines that use the same ImageThreshold and ImageAnalyzeParticles calls are fine though?
I'm running this on 6.2beta2.
Thanks in advance,
Function ParticlesAnalysis(Image,thresholdval,size) Wave Image Variable Thresholdval,size Variable wlen,i,j,k Wave W_SpotX, W_SpotY,W_ImageObjArea,W_ImageObjPerimeter,W_circularity,W_rectangularity ImageThreshold/I/T=(thresholdval)/Q image ImageAnalyzeParticles/E/W/Q/M=3/A=25 stats, M_ImageThresh Make/O/N=(numpnts(W_ImageObjArea),7) ImageAnalysisData ImageAnalysisData[][0]=W_ImageObjArea[p] ImageAnalysisData[][1]=W_ImageObjPerimeter[p] ImageAnalysisData[][2]=W_circularity[p] ImageAnalysisData[][3]=W_rectangularity[p] ImageAnalysisData[][4]=W_SpotX[p] ImageAnalysisData[][5]=W_SpotY[p] for (i=0;i<numpnts(W_ImageObjArea);i+=1) if ((ImageAnalysisData[i][0] > 700 && ImageAnalysisData[i][0] <1500) && (ImageAnalysisData[i][1] > 90 && ImageAnalysisData[i][1] < 155) && (ImageAnalysisData[i][2]>1 && ImageAnalysisData[i][2]<1.3)) ImageAnalysisData[i][6]=1 Elseif ((ImageAnalysisData[i][0] > 300 && ImageAnalysisData[i][0] <1500) && (ImageAnalysisData[i][1] > 90 && ImageAnalysisData[i][1] < 300) && (ImageAnalysisData[i][2]>1 && ImageAnalysisData[i][2]<4)) ImageAnalysisData[i][6]=2 Else ImageAnalysisData[i][6]=0 Endif endfor Newimage image appendtograph ImageAnalysisData[][5] vs ImageAnalysisData[][4] ModifyGraph mode=3,marker=19,msize=2,rgb=(65565,0,0) for (i=0;i<numpnts(W_ImageObjArea);i+=1) if (ImageAnalysisData[i][6]==1) ModifyGraph rgb(ImageAnalysisData[i])=(0,65535,0) ModifyGraph msize(ImageAnalysisData[i])=5 elseif (ImageAnalysisData[i][6]==2) ModifyGraph rgb(ImageAnalysisData[i])=(0,0,65535) ModifyGraph msize(ImageAnalysisData[i])=3 Else ModifyGraph rgb(ImageAnalysisData[i])=(65535,0,65535) ModifyGraph msize(ImageAnalysisData[i])=2 endif endfor KillWaves M_ImageThresh,W_ImageObjArea,W_SpotX,W_SpotY,W_circularity;DelayUpdate KillWaves W_rectangularity,W_ImageObjPerimeter,W_xmin,W_xmax,W_ymin,W_ymax;DelayUpdate KillWaves M_Moments,M_RawMoments,W_BoundaryX,W_BoundaryY,W_BoundaryIndex;DelayUpdate KillWaves M_Particle End <pre><code class="language-igor">
You are missing the wave references in your function.
Suppose your function calls an operation (say operation1) that creates as an output a wave called wave_A which you then want to pass to operation2. The syntax should be:
Function myFunction()
operation1 // this creates wave_A
Wave wave_A // create the reference
operation2 wave_A
To read more about this, execute:
Displayhelptopic "wave references"
WaveMetrics, Inc.
May 18, 2010 at 12:20 pm - Permalink
May 18, 2010 at 10:46 pm - Permalink
I put the wave declarations on the line before I created the waves when they should have gone right after.
I note in my other procedures, that I have not hit this problem before because I have duplicated and renamed the waves of interest. This automatically created the wave reference.
May 19, 2010 at 02:21 am - Permalink