Why my fitting curve changes?

Let's say I have 3 groups of data (X, Y1, Y2). I make the first plot (X vs. Y1) and do a simple line fit; then I repeat these steps for the second plot (X vs. Y2). Now the problem comes: the fitting curve on the first plot simultaneously changes to EXACTLY the curve shown on the second plot. I tried a few times and even set the range in "Analysis-Curve fitting-Data options" for each plot. It didn't help. Making different line fits for individual plots should be quite simple, did I miss something?

I don't think you have x, y1, y2. I think you have x1, x2, y and you fit y vs x1 and then y vs x2.

The wave created for the fit curve is given a name derived from the Y wave, "fit_". So if you have fit the same Y wave twice you get just one fit curve wave. The solution is to re-name the fit curve wave after the first fit, then the automatically generated wave won't overwrite it.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
Hi John,

Big thanks for solving the problem, which has puzzled me for a while!