Wave Reference Review

Wave w = wave0 Wave w = root:wave0 String name = "wave0" Wave w = $name
Once you have a wave reference you can act on the referenced wave. For example:
w += 1 // Add 1 to each point Display w // Display in graph Variable avg = mean(w) // Use in arithmetic expression
Wave references do three things:
1. Tell Igor that a symbol (w in this case) refers to a wave rather than some other object (global numeric variable, global string variable or data folder)
2. Tell Igor the type of the referenced wave (/T for text, /C for complex, no flags for real)
3. Set the reference (w) to the address in memory of the specified wave
Items 1 and 2 occur at compile time, when the function is compiled. They give the Igor compiler the information it needs to compile the function.
Item 3 occurs at runtime, when the function executes. It is called "runtime lookup" and is needed so that the compiled code can access the specified wave.
NOTE: In order for item 3 to work, the wave must exist at the point that the wave statement occurs.
String name = "wave0" Wave w = $name // Wrong - wave does not yet exist Make $name
String name = "wave0" Make $name Wave w = $name // Right - wave exists so Igor can store its address in w
One more twist...
In a Make or Duplicate statement, if the destination is a simple name then Igor automatically creates a wave reference:
Make wave0 // Make automatically creates a wave reference named wave0 Make root:wave0 // No automatic wave reference is created String name = "wave0" Make $name // No automatic wave reference is created
For more execute:
DisplayHelpTopic "Accessing Global Variables And Waves" DisplayHelpTopic "Wave References"