wave name into string


how I display the wavename of a wave as a string ??

I have a wave call "hello" and i want to create another one call "hello_everybody" with the same data points as the one wave call "hello".



duplicate hello, hello2
rename hello2, hello+"_everybody"
killwave hello2
print "hello_everybody"
output: "hello_everybody"=[1,2,3]

* I know that my mistake is in: rename hello2, hello+"_everybody"; because hello is a wave a not a string.
In a function it would look something like
Function test()
    Wave hello
    Duplicate/O hello, $("hello"+"_everybody")/WAVE=hello2
    print hello2

hello_everybody[0]= {1,2,3}

The symbol "hello2" is a "wave reference" a local name for the global wave. The example is a little silly because the strings are all literal strings. It becomes a real solution to a real problem if the original name is entered via a string, for instance:
Function test(wname)
    string wname
    Wave w=$wname
    Duplicate/O w, $(wname+"_everybody")/WAVE=hello2
    print hello2

hello_everybody[0]= {1,2,3}

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
I guess i did not explain me really well...

I have 100 waves that i need to duplicate and rename with the name of the wave plus "_everybody". That means:


i need to duplicate them and rename them as:


at the end i will end up with 200 waves

that means i have to takeduplicate every string, use the name of every wave as a string add "+everybody" and name the just duplicated wave with this name.
* every wave is different.

the function is defined like

Test(wave) // where the wave is hello=[1,2,3]

at the end i need something call:


carlosgarzonc wrote:
I have 100 waves that i need to duplicate and rename with the name of the wave plus "_everybody". ....

I think this should work ...

Function DuplicateSet(suffix,[lowaves])
   string suffix, lowaves
   variable ic, nt
   string theOne, theNewOne
   if (ParamIsDefault(lowaves))
      // default is all waves in current data folder
      lowaves = WaveList("*",";","")
   if (strlen(suffix)==0)
     // default suffix
     suffix = "_duplicate"
   nt = numpnts(lowaves)
   if (nt == 0)
      return 0
   for (ic=0;ic<nt;ic+=1)
     theOne = StringFromList(ic,lowaves)
     sprintf theNewOne, "%s%s", theOne, suffix
     duplicate/O $theOne $theNewOne
   return nt

Examples uses would be as follows:

Everything in Current Folder


Only Waves Starting with XYZ



J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville
One important function in this context that hasn't been mentioned so far is nameOfWave.
You can use it like this:
make/o hello={1,2,3}
duplicate hello $(nameOfWave(hello)+"_everybody")

Also see the help files that describe the $ operator and techniques for working with waves in functions:

DisplayHelpTopic "Accessing Global Variables And Waves"
DisplayHelpTopic "Accessing Waves In Functions"

The first is a general discussion of WAVE references and related topics, the second is a more specific discussion of common techniques. Note that the subsection "Wave Accessed Via String Calculated in Function" is similar to your situation.


If your wave names are really different (that is, not really computable) you probably have them in a list. Then you might need to know about the StringFromList function.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
the "rename" function works as well.

//where string "oldname" is the string naming your old wave....

string newstring
newstring= (oldname) + "_Everybody"

rename oldname, $(newstring)
kperks wrote:
the "rename" function works as well.

//where string "oldname" is the string naming your old wave....

string newstring
newstring= (oldname) + "_Everybody"

rename oldname, $(newstring)

Be careful! In your example the string 'oldname' is renamed, not the wave.
In that case would the following work correctly?:

duplicate oldname, $(newstring); killwaves oldname

awirsing wrote:
kperks wrote:
the "rename" function works as well.

//where string "oldname" is the string naming your old wave....

string newstring
newstring= (oldname) + "_Everybody"

rename oldname, $(newstring)

Be careful! In your example the string 'oldname' is renamed, not the wave.

kperks wrote:
In that case would the following work correctly?:

duplicate oldname, $(newstring); killwaves oldname

If you work with string variables that contain wave names, you must use the $ operator in order to access the wave itself:
duplicate $oldname, $newstring; killwaves $oldname