V_fiterror and nested logic

this gives me an iterative bug which wipes out all my fits after the first one fails
function omfgwhereisthedamnbug() variable V_fiterror for (i = 0; i < num; i+=1) curvefit imageA if (V_fiterror == 0) . curvefit imageB .. if (V_fiterror ==0) ... do some good stuff .. else ... kill this row in all my waves ... i -=1 ... num -= 1 .. endif else . kill this row in all my waves . i -=1 . num -=1 endif endfor end
putting the line "v_fiterror = 0" immediately before both curvefits fixes the issue. Why? I figured that curvefit generates a new V_fiterror after each call, similiar to V_max etc.. with wavestats, but I guess not?
Edit: ok I can see from the helpfile that V_fiterror is input/output. I missed that last night somehow... But this changes my question to why would you need a special variable to tell a curvefit that it is going to fail before it even attempts the fit? Isn't that something you could do yourself like "if checkA fails, don't fit"?