using SavePict in a function


 I am trying to write a simple function to save a graph as an emf figure using a function. Typically, I use the SavePict/e=-2 as "myfigure.emf" with the command prompt and that works just fine. However when I implement this in a function, please see the code below, I get an erratic behavior. Most often I get the "While executing SavePICT, the following error occurred: no target window" error, every now and then it works just fine, and occasionally the following message is printed in the command window: " ** SavePict gave error: no target window ". If you know what is going on and how to solve this issue, please let me know.

Ultimately, what I am trying to achieve is to have a function that allows me to save the top graph using a dialog box.

Thank you!


function SaveFig()
 string graphName = WinName(0,1)
      doAlert 0, "No figure selected!"
      return 0
   SavePict/E=-2/win=graphname as "MySpectra.emf"


SavePict/E=-2/win=$graphname as "MySpectra.emf"

In your function you are using the literal name `graphname` and not your string variable. There is no graph named `graphname`, hence the error.