Using other windows while prompt waits for user.

Dear Forum,

In the procedure I am writing, the user is asked to input two variables in a prompt dialog box.
However, to do this, the user needs to access another window containing a graph, get the cursors in the graph to get the much needed info to input in that dialog box.

The problem now is that, while the prompt dialog box is active and waiting for input, no other window can be accessed.
Can I do anything to modify the behavior of the dialog box?

I guess I could do a panel... but I have not yet ventured into doing this with Igor.
Is there any other solution?

Many thanks!!

You can make your own panel as you suggest, or you could request that the user places the cursors on the graph before the function is activated. The function call can then find the positions of the cursors and use them as input without needing the user to enter their positions manually. If the cursors are not placed on the graph beforehand you simply return a simple error message requesting the user to place the cursors before running the function.
olelytken wrote:
... If the cursors are not placed on the graph beforehand you simply return a simple error message requesting the user to place the cursors before running the function.

..or you bring the Graph in question to the front using DoWindow/F and then place cursors A and B to the trace with e.g. Cursor A, TraceName, xMin and Cursor B, TraceName, xMax
Ok, thank you both.
So, I have looked at the  Cursor and also at the  GetMarquee operations , both of which will allow me to graphically select a range. This is great because I don't need to actually read the values in the graph, I visually define my ROI, so I can ditch the prompt window. Great!

But now I am back to my original question again.

While I could plot everything, place the marquee or cursors and then run the script, since I have to do this for a bunch of curves, I would much rather have the plot be presented to the user, at which point it would either draw a marquee or place cursors, and once this is done, the script would continue with the info it collected.

So, I come back to my original problem, how to I keep the script from advancing until it has this info is satisfied, or eventually, until it has the OK from the user to proceed.

Please let me know of any suggestions.

