Using my color table in f(z) selection menu

I have just used the easy to learn color wave editor to create my own color table but how do I get this into the menu to colorise traces using the 'set as f(z)' method in plots and to select from built in default color tables.  

Actually JIm I have found that I can directly edit the new color table wave as a table from the data browser working directly on my plots - this will serve my purpose.

You may have already solved your problem, but in your attached images, I noticed you have 'After Last Color' set to black and the max value set to 15. The black colors you had been seeing might mean that most of the streamIDplotkey data is beyond 15. 

In reply to by Mike German

Mike German wrote:

I had already tried that but all the "colours" were black when I used it

The color wave editor makes it way too easy to create a color wave that doesn't use the peculiar Igor standard of 0-65535 for color intensity. You probably created either an 8-bit color wave or a 0-1 color wave. You can convert it right in the editor.