User raw input

Hi there. I'm new to IGOR and I am having some trouble with the very basics of the syntax.

Right now I'm just trying to work on a template for later projects through which the user can specify a starting and ending X-value as well as an X-interval, and given the array of data IGOR will produce a numeric value for the area under the curve. I know that I should be using the 'Area' function as defined by IGOR, but I'm having trouble with the user input.

Could someone please help me out with a small snippet of code that prompts the reader to enter a starting and ending X-value as well as an X-interval? I then need to take that raw input and declare it as a variable that I can then use to calculate the area under the curve. (comments would be appreciated too, so I could follow the process and use it for future use).

Thanks for the help!
The function below does what I think you want. I do not see how defining an INTERVAL is possible when the start and end are set.

// calculate the area of a SCALED y-wave
// after prompting user for x-start and x-end limits
Function CalcArea(ywave)
    wave ywave
    // define the start and end variables
    variable xs, xe
    // define the prompt phrases for the start and end variables
    prompt xs, "Start:"
    prompt xe, "End:"
    // put up the prompt to get the variables
    DoPrompt "Integration Limits", xs, xe
    // check the variables are not out of bounds
    // is xs less than the starting value of the wave?
    if (xs < pnt2x(ywave,0))
        xs = pnt2x(ywave,0)
    // is xe greater than the end value of the wave?
    if (xe > pnt2x(ywave,numpnts(ywave)-1))
        xe = pnt2x(ywave,numpnts(ywave)-1)
    // return the area of the wave between the given bounds
    return area(ywave,xs,xe)

To check this function, do the following on the command line:

make/o/n=100 test
SetScale/P x 21,0.5,"", test
display test
print CalcArea(test)

J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH