User interaction with "NewCamera" panel
I am currently working on some image processing software in IgorPro 7. A very convenient feature is the NewCamera command. However, I need the user to select one point (further on multiple points) on the image for further processing. Is there a way to detect a mouse click on the NewCamera panel or utilize markers on the panel?
Best regards.
I cannot help you completely as I am still on Igor 6.37, but if the camera image is displayed in a graph, a la
, one can use:AxisValFromPixel( graphNameStr, axNameStr, pixel )
displayhelptopic "axisvalfrompixel"
November 8, 2017 at 12:54 am - Permalink
If you would like to allow the user to interact with images you will have to display the image in a regular graph window (or in a graph sub-window embedded in a panel).
WaveMetrics, Inc.
November 8, 2017 at 08:09 am - Permalink